Capstone Research Project Overview & Timeline


William Weldon, Luke Hull, Ryan Riley, Lucas Wright, Connor Yoder

Contact information

William Weldon
Luke Hull
Ryan Riley
Lucas Wright
Connor Yoder


  • PIC: William Weldon
  • Sensor Operator: Ryan Riley
  • VO: Luke Hull
  • Searchers: Lucas Wright, Connor Yoder
  • Scribe: All
  • Data Processing: Connor Yoder (All)


  • Search & Rescue
  • Describe reasoning for locations
  • Speed & accuracy are the main focus
  • Methodology (manual search of targets first, then system, then combined)
  • Compare and contrast results between UAV and manned locating with regards to time and accuracy


  • Spreadsheet comparing results between various search and rescue methods
  • Orthomosaic of field locations
  • Walk-through of utilizing Loc8 software
  • An actionable plan for real field usage
  • Detailed quality and output match reports from Loc8 software

Flight Locations

Flights will take place in four separate locations, each with their own sets of challenges to overcome.
  • Open Field: Purdue Wildlife Area
  • Semi-Urban: Brookston, IN
  • Forest: Fairfield Lakes Park, County Roads 200 S & 750 E, Lafayette, IN 47905
  • Lake: Fairfield Lakes Park, County Roads 200 S & 750 E, Lafayette, IN 47905

Data Collection and Analysis Timeline

WEEK 1: Introduction to class, the formation of the group
WEEK 2: Project outline due
WEEK 3: Determining further needs of the project
WEEK 4: Annotated Bibliography of relevant articles to our search and rescue missions
WEEK 5: Primary draft addressing potential problems and objectives of our research; primary draft of ESRI story map
WEEK 6: Manned search missions
WEEK 7: Open Field flights, Data Processing
WEEK 8: Lake flight, Data Processing
WEEK 9: Semi-Urban flight, Data Processing
WEEK 10: Forest flight, Data Processing
WEEK 11: Final Data Processing and Poster Finalization
WEEK 12: Poster Due, E-portfolio post on GIS day.
WEEK 13: Presentation creation
WEEK 14: Presentation work
WEEK 15: Presentation finalization
WEEK 16: Presentation


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